Monday, December 7, 2009



I suffer from anxiety, depression and stress. Negative thoughts kill me. I'm on medication. The thoughts are after a while.


shashu said...

I went from me!
And yes, of course, are negative thoughts and images creations of anxiety, depression and stress.

That's what you can do:

1.) When you are stressed to keep a diary and take everything that creates a certain amount of ambiguity and stress for you. It could be something as common as the agenda for the future, or something completely random, as in their body image. Do not be hard on himself, to write. Try to describe the causes of stress. Once you know the cause, you may not be the victim again and again.
After each log entry, he said: "There is nothing for me to stress that every person is different, and life always ends well." Basically, to say positive things and feeling positive.

2.) for her depression, which is obviously related to stress, uses a log book should help some positive thinking. Try this exercise, for example:
Close your eyes ... Take a few deep breaths through your nostriLS and exhale through the mouth. relax the body and block all thoughts. Consider a good feeling, I was sure that at some point in their lives - might be if you were with your girlfriend or if she plays a child with a favorite grandparent? Relive the good times. Now, try to spread happiness, tingling of the blur in your body ... I think like a sweet honey liquid that flows freely through the bones, veins, muscles .... Rejuvenation and cure all your aches and pains ... Screen after swimming in the liquid ... because the imagination can be colored liquid floating on the healing of endorphins (hormones that are released) every time happy happy. Open your eyes if you feel better than you at the beginning of the year! Repeat if you are sad or happy - it makes you get.

3.) Well, for the fear ... applies to all a degree of anxiety. Becomes boring, if you think a victim of fear. So, if they anxiously
A.) They say there are just anxiety and irrational thinking is not logical.
b) understand that it signals a genuine part of the brain, which is available with thoughts and worries, if you start thinking negatively, the brain, the body that causes the physical symptoms of anxiety such as palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.
c.) distraction - play speak a Sudoku game, a video on YouTube, with someone to read!
d) accept that you were thinking irrational, and not really disturbing. show their anxiety in a garbage can and leave it there.

It will take some time and effort, and eventually his job!

Apart from the above, I recommend a couple of hobbies ... A walk in the morning, always plenty of exercise and a balanced diet! If you smoke or drink too much, smoking cessation or reduction and, above all, you say this is just a phase that happens!

Believe in yourself!

YA Junkie said...

I suffer from severe depression and medication, so I know what happens. Many times, depression, stress and anxiety occur together. They feed on each other.

I'm going to a support group for people with depression and bipolar disorder. Many people report the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It helps people see how their ideas are often contradictory, and often too negative. You could give that try too. Medication alone is not a negative perception of their irrational thoughts. Of course, other forms of therapies that can help.

The research shows that psychotherapy and medication are usually much cheaper than drugs alone, or alone.

I found the exercise is a wonderful antidepressant. Some natural remedies are 5 HTP, St. John's Wort and Omega-3. St. John's wort probably have to wait for occurring 3 weeks before the start, mostly mild to moderate depression. If possible, try to find a doctor or other professional, the expertBattle of natural resources for depression. I wish him all the best.

CB said...

If these thoughts are very common in depression and anxiety. May and worse. Unfortunately, theres not know if the thoughts youre decline after a wait of only. You should be in therapy if they can learn certain skills to try to control the thoughts and stress. And it also depends on the idea that youre some are harder than others to remove. invest much time to think about this idea and its implications are a more important role in his life ... so try to avoid dwelling on them. good luck ^ ^

Jody said...

You need to train your mind to get rid of the negativity that the rules of his thinking.

Anxiety, depression, stress and negative thoughts, thoughts unwanted, intrusive thoughts or all feed each other.

Forced to think happy with the start of negativity. It is a long process and we must constantly work on it, but omg, it's so worth it!

Jody said...

You need to train your mind to get rid of the negativity that the rules of his thinking.

Anxiety, depression, stress and negative thoughts, thoughts unwanted, intrusive thoughts or all feed each other.

Forced to think happy with the start of negativity. It is a long process and we must constantly work on it, but omg, it's so worth it!

bored said...

Try things on the Internet that you can read, you start, more positive than negative things used to be so bad. It is necessary to protect the physical sensation of the mental strain of his own just a good feeling to have to slow things up and one day after another.

Betty M said...

What we live with depression. Allow yourself about 2 months, and you should begin to feel better. I recommend you to advise them, since the drugs alone will not solve the underlying problems that have accumulated the most human beings. Hold tight and be careful.

catnurse... said...

Yes, but let's try some meditation techniques, know I may sound, too, but very useful Cabal

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